Cute Clothes For Badass Babes - Ivy & Pine

Ivy & Pine x BADWAX Candles

Every wonder what it takes to open up an online or brick & mortar clothing retail shop? Continue reading our interview with Danielle Beck, Owner of ivy & pine, located in Costa Mesa, California, USA.

What's your business and who are your customers?

ivy & pine is a clothing + accessories boutique based in Costa Mesa. Our motto is “Cute Clothes For Badass Babes” and that’s who we are here for! Our customers are incredible, talented, and creative. They don’t limit their style choices to only one box. They are feminine and grunge, they are classic and bohemian. And most of all they are just badass babes!
Our main products are clothing: band tees, cute dresses, basics, etc. We also carry accessories + home decor, all of which are from other badass small businesses. We work to carry a mix of dressy and casual pieces that are classic and trendy to help our customers create their style.

Ivy & Pine - BADWAX Candles

Tell us about yourself

I always wanted to own my own company, but I had no idea where to start, and no confidence that I could build a thriving brand. But in 2019 I finally took the leap and launched ivy & pine as an e-commerce site getting my main business through pop ups and private shopping parties. Fast forward three years and I am still learning and growing, and STILL 1000% doing a happy dance after every single in store or online purchase, or after a tag on Instagram or a new follower. It hasn’t gotten old and I can’t imagine it ever will. I love what I do and I love the people I get to meet along the way. Customers who become friends, fellow creators and business owners becoming mentors and cheerleaders, it’s a world I will forever be grateful I get to be a part of.

What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

This answer changes for me daily! Today, I think being a business owner can be summed up in one word - “bittersweet”. There is nothing I would rather do than own my own business, and there are amazing days/weeks/months/years, and then there are the really, really tough times. Luckily the great times far outweigh the bad, but it’s still a rollercoaster. It is a pretty awesome rollercoaster though! One of my main takeaways over the last three years is this, remember how far you have come, give yourself grace, and know that tomorrow is a new day full of new possibilities.

What are some tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

I could go on forever about my wins and fails and what I would suggest but here are my top three:
  1. Educate yourself. Once you have decided what you want to do, educate yourself on that topic/field/product. Find like minded business owners and ask if they do consulting, attend seminars, take classes in your chosen field.
  2. Look into funding. This is sort of hand in hand with education yourself, but before you go max out all of those personal credit cards, look into small business lines of credit or crowd funding or kickstarter. There is no shame in getting help from an outside source whether it be a bank, friends or family - if you can get help, take it!
  3. Start before you are “ready”. This might seem to contradict tip number one, but it’s more a reminder that nothing is perfect. Don’t worry if someone else is doing something similar, don’t worry if your website isn’t 100% perfect, just start. You can always make changes along the way!


Where can people find you and your business?






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